Tom Forrestall’s “35 Days in Israel” Watercolour Paintings

From Oct 28th-Nov. 4th, 2010, Tom Forrestall, accompanied by his son Frank, joined 24 current and former Atlantic Canadians on an 8-day trip to Israel. Together with this group, the Forrestalls traveled to many parts of Israel from the Negev in the south, to the Northern Galilee Panhandle. When the mission was completed, Tom and Frank spent 27 additional days in Israel during which he painted thirty-five watercolours, expressing his feelings and personal observations of many parts of the country.

“The watercolours I did in Israel are, I feel, some of my finest efforts. I was honoured and delighted for the opportunity to work and travel throughout this beautiful country. The sights and people of the land will continue to inspire me for years to come. I would like to thank all the people who assisted me in this project including my son Frank for accompanying me and documenting our marvelous journey and a special thanks to the Atlantic Jewish Council and Jon Goldberg for having faith in my work and guiding this project from its inception.”

-Tom Forrestall, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, March 2011

Tom Forrestall: 35 Days in Israel


If not marked as “SOLD”, these beautiful, original Tom Forrestall watercolours, each on 15” x 22” paper, are available for purchase at the Atlantic Jewish Council office, selling for $4100 each. Please contact Edna LeVine, the AJC’s Director of Community Engagement, for more information at